
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

a week of healthy snacks

a week of healthy snacks

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Kat and I are not really snackers, but with 5 children between us and busy schedules we know that they are often a necessity to keep us all going, mums and children alike. However, with so many supermarkets and health shops increasing their range of so called "healthier option" snacks, it is easy to get confused with the often misleading claim on the front of the packets. The nutritional labels at the back are so often just as confusing. The solution to ensure you know exactly what you eat? Make your own snacks and get the kids involved with flavours. Many of the snack bars sold in the supermarkets or health shops as "healthy" are often still very high in sugar due to the dried fruit content or sugar alternatives used. We have so many great options on the website, baked snacks, raw options, all gluten free and mostly nut-free for a school policy compliant lunch box. We believe that a good nourishing snack should always include protein to help balance blood sugar levels and slow down the absorption of any sugar.




We start the week with this lemon, honey and oat bar as it is a very quick NO BAKE option. This means a perfect late Sunday prep that takes no time to put together and will set in the fridge ready for the next day!



These coconut & berry bliss balls are so delicious. They require no baking and will set and be ready after about an hour in the freezer. They can me made with fresh or frozen berries. 



These raspberry granola bars are packed with the goodness of oats and seeds. They make a great breakfast on the go or post workout refuel. Perfect for after school energy before sport.



Our oat & apricot bars are another example of how quick and easy making naturally sweet and nutritious snack bars can be. Made and loved on repeat in both our houses.



For an alternative to homemade cereal bars, these raw cacao, orange & turmeric power balls are packed with protein for energy and turmeric for that immune boost! Can't go wrong with the classic chocolate orange flavour!



Sweetened only with dates, these oat breakfast bars offer a delicious and nutritious balance of good carbs, unrefined natural sugars and essential fatty acids. They also comply with the no-nut policy most schools in the UK adhere to.


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These gorgeous carrot, apple & ginger flapjacks were inspired by Kat's daughter’s love of carrot, apple and ginger juice. The carrot and apple make them naturally sweet so there’s no refined sugar in these flapjacks, although there is some maple syrup to sweeten further. A perfectly pleasing after school treat.


More snack ideas

Savoury flapjacks A delicious savoury option.

Cinnamon waffle A great make ahead option which makes a handy lunchbox item.


apple & cinnamon bread

apple & cinnamon bread

spiced chard & sweet potato cakes

spiced chard & sweet potato cakes