
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

avocado & cacao smoothie bowl

avocado & cacao smoothie bowl

Who does not like a smoothie? The super healthy green ones, the beautiful looking purple ones, the candy coloured berry ones and summery yellow ones... but what about the one that looks just like a chocolate pudding? Still healthy and amazingly balanced and nutritious for a supercharged breakfast before exams or a big workout! An all round winner for the whole family.



serves 1-2


1 medium banana, sliced
1 avocado, deseeded and cut in chunks
1 tablespoon almond butter (we use Pip and Nut smooth almond butter)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 scoop plant based organic protein powder
1 tablespoon raw cacao powder
1 cup almond milk
Raw cacao nibs and toasted coconut shaving for extra crunchy toppings



  • In a Nutribullet, or similar, add the banana and avocado and almond milk and whizz

  • Add almond butter and vanilla and whizz some more

  • Now add cacao powder and protein powder and pulse until smooth

  • Serve in a bowl, sprinkled with coconut and crunchy cacao nibs!

  • Alternatively, add some extra almond milk to reach a more drink like consistency, and take with you for a breakfast on-the-go!


The Health Boost Tip

For some of you, drinking a smoothie for breakfast may leave you with the impression (all in the head) that you have not eaten! Try this smoothie bowl, with its thicker texture, you can enjoy it with a spoon as you would have porridge and it may work better. Packed with protein, fibre, essential amino acids, omega 3 and flavanoids and free of any refined sugar it will keep you full for longer.
I have recently turned it into healthy ice cream lollies by pouring the mix into moulds and freezing!

Download a printable version here

 ratatouille provençale

ratatouille provençale

Puy lentils with chorizo and Dijon mustard

Puy lentils with chorizo and Dijon mustard